Buyers are evolving, and for the better. Up until the beginning of 2009, an abundance of inventory, coupled with a 'sky is falling" mentality lead many to believe that the real estate market was theirs for the taking. They were now in the driver's seat! And as a result they were submitting such ridiculously low ball offers that most often didn't stand a chance of being considered. They made these types of offers very often because "a friend of a friend of a friend" got such a phenomenal deal on a home , that it must be possible to do. And they tried it again, and again,........and again; only to ultimately be disgusted, disillusioned, and fed up with the idea of buying altogether.
Fast forward to today. Buyers are stepping up to the plate. They're actually making very competitive offers, yet procuring a property still for many is still challenging. The issue has now become the sellers. Unfortunately, many sellers have yet to undergo an evolution of their own, refusing to come to grips with what the market values of their properties really now are. I am, however, quite optimistic that home sellers will soon come to the table with more realistic expectations. And the end result will be a vibrant, healthier, and more balanced market .