In politics, the period of time following a November election until the new Congress is in session in January is often referred to as a "lame duck" session. This is the case because generally speaking, very little legislatively actually gets done.
Real estate also has a "lame duck" session of sorts. It's that time period that seems to start at the beginning of December through early January. Historically speaking, the transactions that take place during this period tend to be few and far between. It's only natural, I suppose, as people's minds tend to be on family and the holidays. Yet within this reality lies opportunity for those Buyers and Sellers of real estate that are willing to take a chance.
Think about it: what better time to make a offer on that home you've been eyeing than when every other Buyer's mind is somewhere else? The competition from other Buyers will be virtually non-existent. And what about if you're thinking about selling? The conventional wisdom if that you never put your property on the market around the Holidays. Baa humbug! "I say." Why not buck the conventional wisdom and get your home to market while your competition is sitting around waiting until after the New Year. Once again, no new competition.
In short, you need not let the "lame duck" dampen your hopes of real estate success. When others are afraid of the water, I suggest that you jump in!
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