Wednesday, March 23, 2011

blowing my own horn...

We had a great office meeting this morning with Clark Toole, our Chief Operating Officer. Here's Mr. Toole handing yours truly a productivity award:

Monday, March 14, 2011

What's in a code?

Have you ever seen those funny looking squiggly cubes that are popping up here and there?

Ever wonder what they are? Maybe they’re secret coded messages or an extraterrestrial alphabet. Actually the answer’s a bit more down to earth. It’s called a QR Code (quick response code). And it’s a very effective way to link two worlds that previously had little to do with each other; the print world and the online world. And if you start to look around, you’ll note that they’re creeping up all around us from billboards, to newspapers, and yes…even real estate.

It works by allowing you to snap a picture of it with any Smartphone, and then instantaneously taking you to a designated website. Whether it’s a just a fad or a marketing revolution is hard to say, but here’s my personal experience. After putting one of these on the back of my business card and direct mail pieces the traffic on my website increased by 25%! I’m SOLD, and I plan to further expand the use of the QR code by placing it on all printed materials from my letterhead, to flyers, yard signs, and even my car, (remember the 200,000 mile machine from a previous post!).

A Eureka moment in the marketing of real estate?…………..yours truly thinks so. 